Sunday, July 26, 2009

Hanging out and having fun

Yesterday, I actually had some time for myself!

I decided to take a ride to the beach. I love that it is so close by. Literally right up the road!
This was actually the perfect day. It wasn't too hot and believe it or not, the water was warm. Yes, I went for a swim! It was awesome!

My nephew Zach had been visiting with my parents this past week. Even though he lives in the heart of (Pittsburg) Steelers territory, he is a huge New England Patriots fan (and Boston Red Sox too!) Yes, we started on him at birth and now he is 13. Steelers Schmeelers!!! We love this! So while he was here we took a trip down to Gillete stadium/Patriot Place and spent the day.

It was overcast the whole day, but we still had a good time.

They were actually laying sod down on the field while we were there. Just getting ready, Can you believe the football season starts next month??!

Oh, and here are the Championship banners...Life is good!!

Zach and Bryant posing for Grammy, so I had to get a pic too...

Here they are posing with Tom Brady...hahaha...

Loved this one in the Pro Shop. These hats reminded me of Dr. Suess. This pic is definately a keeper!!!

Bryant loved spending the week with Zach and is now sad that he left. It is hard. They live close by, but not close enough. We are hoping to do some cool things this week to take his mind off this. This is our first vacation that we do not have a (scheduled) plan. We will take it one day at a time. No stress..Life is good!

Last but not least...Go Tony! I will be cheering him on to win the Brickyard race today. His favorite race!


Sharie said...

Wow, so cool that you live so close to the beach! Looks like you've been having a fun summer!

Zorina said...

I'm jealous coz we havent been to the beach yet this summer. hopefullt next month.
I love those pics you took! Yay, SUMMER!

diana albright said...

YAY for "ME Time" - so glad you got some! And seriously, lucky you living so close to the beach.
