These are couple of cards I made on Friday, based on sketches at
Got Sketch 101. Cards are not my thing and they usually take me longer to make than a LO.

By the time I am done, I just do not want to give them away. Seems that it would not be appreciated enough.

But, since now I have a few made up and stored away, when I FINALLY do give them away, I will forget about all that and just let the person enjoy it. Do you ever feel that way???
Very cute cards! I especially love the second one - what a great use of the Sass strips.
I completely understand...I tend to not give handmade cards to people who aren't scrappers or card makers because I wonder if they'll like them or appreciate them. I guess we're the same in that regard, lol.
I would have a hard time giving cards away, if they were as beautiful as yours. :o)
The ones I do make I tend to be like Greta and only give them to people, who are into scrapbooking or other crafts. They tend to appeciate them more.
hey dawn-
you might want to check my blog ;)
Okay, so do you need me to send you my address??!! JK!
Cards do take me a long time, but mine never turn out as pretty as yours! I wouldn't want to give those away either, but I hope the recipients are appreciative of them!
OMGosh! Way cute Dawn!
Okay I’m gonna come clean about the real reason why I don’t like and don’t make cards. Because scrapping product is too expensive and too much of my thought, time, effort and love would go into making a card and then to have the recipient just have an “okay” attitude and throw it out, would send me into a frenzy to dive into the waste can and retrieve my stuff. Ha. There you have it, I’m a loser baby, why don’t cha kill me. Ha, ha, ha.
But I will say that these cards are little slices of heaven and that I still have each and every card you have made for me. I appreciate, I appreciate, I really, really do.
OMG those are beautiful! I think people like getting handmade cards, but I know that they don't realize how much work that we put into them!
GREAT cards- I have been a slacker on GS101...went on a retreat this weekend and left all my sketches from the class- OOPS! I have a lot of catching up to do!
oh golly! love those cards! the fabric flower is awesome.
i gave my mil a handmade card and she looked at it like it was a lump of poo in her hand. she doesn't appreciate the finer things like we gals do! :P
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