I was so excited!! It was a little 'ad' for Mom and Dad LO's in their online gallery. ME!! My favorite magazine!! Debbie thought it was me and she was right. I didn't want to get my hopes up untill I saw it for myself. Tiny or not, it was in PRINT! WOW! Very EXCITING!!
I remember when I made this LO. It was a challenge on the Junkitz (my FAVORITE!) website. I LOVE me a good challenge. It was to take 5 or 6 sheets of coordinating paper, a few embellies and create a bunch of LO's. I chose Janna Wilson 's Delight*ful line. I LOVE all things Janna!! It seems like I made this LO so long ago, but it was only about a year ago. The LO lives! Plus, I LOVE this pic of me and my son. My hair was sooo long! Okay, I am rambling, but this is so COOL and EXCITING for me! Thanks Deb for the 'heads up'!!!
Super Cool!
Congrats on the Pub! :D
Congatulations! I cannot wait to get a copy in my hands, so I can show everyone I know. :o)
Congratulations to you! Cool layout, too.
Woohoo! How fun! Congrats girl!
That is the SWEET! Congrats!
That was fun to find! I was wondering why I didn't get an excited email back right away...I figured you knew in advance that it would be in there! LOL So I'm glad to know I was the bearer of good news yesterday!
I have that magazine, but had not read the whole thing yet. I went and grabbed it, and THERE IT WAS!!
See...your work is being noticed! How neat yours was selected to represent Mom and Dad layouts! Who knows what other categories your work might crop up in...Good Eye Deb, for spotting this!
YAY! That's super exciting... and what a nice surprise!!! Congrats sweetie!
woho Dawn that is so great and the layout diserves attention it amazing
awesome! what a neat surprise! congrats!
Could not have happened to a better person. I found my issue and I see it. Congrats girl.
OH MY God, Oh My God, and I can say i knew her when... (But I won't say when what) And to think i had a little part i getting you started.
How cool!!!!!!
What a great surprise that was! Huge congrats!!
That is just terrific! Good on you!
how cool is that.... congrats.
I saw that and I too thought it was you! I thought I remembered seeing that layout, but I wasn't sure. I was going to email you the same thing! So funny! Congrats on being in print, that's so fun! I bet your son loved it!
Oh my goodness, that is SO cool!! Love that layout, so so cute!!
HOW COOL is that!! WOW!! So happy for you girl!! I'm sure we'll see more of your beautiful stuff in print! jw
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